Club and Group Forms and Portal Manuals


Apply to Charter

Steps to Chartering a Club
When enough interest is generated in a community activity, the chartering process can begin. If you are part of a group that would like to benefit from the perks of becoming a Chartered Club over an Interest Group, contact the Lifestyle Director to set up a meeting and go over the process.
Before you Begin 
Please read over the Club Operating Structure for all information, rules, and more. (view, download, print)
The first step to becoming a chartered club is to review these documents before you meet with the Lifestyle Director:
Steps to Chartering (View)
Application for Charter (Form CC-1) PDF | Docx
Initial Club Membership Roster (Form CC-2) PDF | Docx
Club Bylaws (Form CC-3) PDF | Docx
The group will hold a public organizational meeting (meet & greet) open to all DWPV residents. Once a date and time has been determined and confirmed, you will collaborate with the Lifestyle Director to make marketing material and an invitation to the meeting which will be sent out to all DWPV residents.
After the initial meeting, the Interim Officers (voted by a majority of those present at initial meeting) will hold an additional organizational meeting and will invite all residents that attended the initial meeting and those who expressed a written desire to participate to the Interim Officer(s). At this meeting, the following items are to be addressed:
  • Finalize the Application for Charter (Form CC-1)
  • Sign the Initial Membership Roster (Form CC-2). 
  • Finalize Club Bylaws (Form CC-3)
  • Finalize Policies and Procedures (if applicable)
  • Answer all questions regarding the proposed club and its activities.
Submit completed Policies and Procedures (if applicable) along with meeting minutes, Forms CC-1, CC-2, CC-3  to the Lifestyle Director to review. Once confirmed by the Lifestyle Director, the paperwork will be taken to the Clubs and Activities Committee for review. Final approval will be made by the Board of Directors. If a club officer is not present, the Lifestyle Director will notify them of the committee's decision.

Chartered Club Forms

All club forms can be found in the...
Chartered Club Tracker Form 
CC-3 Bylaws [Blank] 
Policies and Procedures Template 
CC-5 New Club Officers and Portal Managers 
CC-7 Annual Club Schedule Forms  
Form CC-7 is the Chartered Club Request form for each club's annual schedule. This schedule has been updated to run from January through December each year.  This does not change the Club Fiscal Year, only scheduled club meetings & special events.  This form can be submitted to the Lifestyle Office no earlier than November 1st and no later than November 30th of every year for the upcoming Chartered Club Calendar Year.
Charter Club fiscal years are October 1-September 30.  Chartered Club calendar Years are January 1 - December 31.  
CC-7a Room Reservation Forms [Clubs & Block Parties]  
Form CC-7a is the Chartered Club & Block Party Request form is for special event room reservations.  Every special events on the calendar must have a CC-7a Form submitted.  This form can be submitted to the Lifestyle Office 60 days or more prior to the scheduled special event date.  Please remember to submit your CC-9 Form and Agreement or Invoice if you plan to have a vendor on the premises the day of your event. 
CC-8 Chartered Club Budget & Financial Report  
CC-8a Monthly Sales Tax Form 
CC-9 Contract for Services Form
CC-10a Financial Review Form 
CC-11 Absentee Ballot Form 
CC-11a Absentee Ballot for Election of Officers Form 
CC-19 Affidavit of Compliance Form 
This form is required from all club presidents on an annual basis. 

Additional Request and Policy Forms

Audio Visual Request Form
Charitable Donation Box Policy